Winter is probably the favourite time of the year for most of us.
Wearing oversized hoodies, sipping hot chocolate and curling up in your
blanket when the temperature drops are some of the few joys that come
with this season. But it can wreak havoc on your skin and hair – making
it dry, itchy and irritated. Taking a hot shower may seem like a good
idea to get relief from dry skin in winter but it can actually dry your
skin out by stripping the natural oils and make matters worse.
in some effort and special care can save your skin from looking flaky
and dry. Here are some of the things you can keep in mind while forming a
skincare regimen for dry skin in winter.
1. Limit shower time and temperature
hot water showers can be comforting during the cold season but this is a
sin when it comes to taking care of your dry skin in winter. Spending a
long time under the shower and with the temperature turned up can wash
away all the natural oils off your skin, leaving it looking dry, dull
and flaky.
2. Moisturize skin right after a shower
While taking care of your dry skin in winter, moisturize your skin right after you shower. Most of us wait for our skin to be completely dry before we move on to the next step. But did you know your skin absorbs the moisturizer better when it is still damp? This little tip will ensure your skin stays moisturized for a long time, thereby removing the need for frequent applications.
3. Look for hydrating ingredients
from using the right moisturizer for your skin type, it is also
important to choose skincare products that have hydrating ingredients
while buying products for dry skin in winter. Hyaluronic acid seeps deep
into the skin layers and nourishes it from within. Therefore pick
moisturizers that contain hyaluronic acid as one of the main
4. Don’t forget your hands
it comes to skincare, most people only focus on their face and ignore
the rest of their body. So while your face may be looking well
moisturised and healthy, the skin on your hands may be crying for help.
Invest in a good hand cream and keep it by your side at all times.
Moisturise your hands each time you wash them with a cream or ointment.
Lotions work better in humid and warmer climates.
5. Stay hydrated
hydration is as important as external when taking care of dry skin in
winter. Coffee and sangria may keep you warm in winter but they can dry
out your skin and make it look parched and dull. Therefore, remember to
stay hydrated by drinking enough water. Since the weather is cold, you
may not feel thirsty often but ensure your regular water intake does not
go for a toss. Honey, lemon and ginger are great ingredients to add to
your water or tea during the cold winter months.
6. Eat collagen-rich foods