Kolkata Transit App is an extensive directory for finding Bus, Tram
and Metro travel routes information and updates, in and around the city
of Kolkata.
- Find extensive coverage of
routes different means of public transport in the city of Kolkata - get
details of Bus, Tram and Metro routes.
- Transport
Network expanding to include routes from South and North 24 Parganas,
Howrah, Hooghly and more- find routes from Barasat, Barrackpore,
Baruipur, Malancha, GT Road and Diamond Harbour bus routes, etc.
- Special bus services provided by SBSTC/NBSTC have also been added. Popular routes from Habra, Chandannagar, Uttarpara, Chinsurah, Kanchrapara, Baruipur, Budge Budge have been added.
- SEARCH: Find all the possible travel options between two points of your commute. Search results include a combination of Bus routes, Tram routes and Metro routes.
- Includes
Private Bus routes of Kolkata RTA, Mini Bus routes, STA Buses, DN
series, SD series, K series, KB series, and more to come.
- Includes
Government bus routes of WBTC(comprising CTC, CSTC and WBSTC) -
ordinary series, E(CSTC Executive)/M/S series, AC series, ST series, MW
series, C/D/T/E(CTC Express) series, etc.
- LONG DISTANCE and EXPRESS Bus Routes details also available- bus routes from Barasat, Karunamoyee, Esplanade, etc.
- NIGHT Services information also available(services affected due to the current situation).
- News Update section to notify about new routes, special services and traffic diversions.
- ROUTE DETAILS: Get information such as first service/last service,
frequency, peak hour frequency, list of intermediate stoppages.